BB in Florence italy

Contact us


Find here all contact information you need to get in touch with us.


  • Palazzo Ruspoli - Via de' Martelli, 5 - 50129 - Florence - Italy
  • +39 055 2670563
  • +39 055 2670525

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The data controller is Ruspoli srl (the company that manages PalazzoRuspoli) VAT number / Fiscal code 02271410488, and its registered office is locatedin Florence, in via De’ Martelli, n. 5. We wish to inform you that theinformation you provide will be processed by electronic means, in addition topaper means, in compliance with the principles established by currentlegislation on the protection of personal data (EU Regulation No. 679 of 2016) inorder to provide the requested information and, if necessary, to define /confirm the booking of rooms and other services, and, upon your explicitconsent, your data will also be processed for marketing purposes. We also wish informyou that in order for us to manage the data you have provided with this form,to respond to your requests, to contact you for marketing purposes via email, theData Controller uses the Mail UP service for automated processing andprofiling. In order to send you marketing notifications, and for automatedprocessing with profiling through Mail Up, it is necessary for the DataController to obtain your consent, which may be revoked at any time thereafter.Complete information regarding the methods and purposes of processing your datacarried out via web, is accessible through the following link:
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