The Leicester Code of Leonardo da Vinci in Florence

Great expectations for the exhibition at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence entitled “The Leicester Code of Leonardo da Vinci. The Water Microscope of Nature” that will bring in Italy the manuscript of the great Italian genius owned by Bill Gates. The exhibition will take place from 29 October 2018 to 20 January 2019 and it is part of the celebrations that will be held throughout the world in 2019 on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci.

The event will allow you to see one of the Master’s most important works with the knowledge and sensitivity towards the themes of water and the environment that are the common thread that binds the 72 pages of the manuscript. It is a work full of brilliant annotations and extraordinary drawings that Leonardo wrote between 1504 and 1508, years of intense artistic and scientific activity for him. It was, in fact, the period in which he carried out the studies of anatomy in the Hospital of Santa Maria Nuova, he tried to fly the man, he was engaged in the enterprise, then not completed, of the wall painting depicting the Battle of Anghiari at Palazzo Vecchio and he studied futuristic solutions to make navigable the Arno River.

The path of the Leicester Code Exhibition in Florence

The 72 sheets of the Code will be placed in the Aula Magliabechiana of the Uffizi. Thanks to an innovative multimedia aid, the Codescope, the visitor can browse the individual sheets on digital screens, access the transcription of texts, and receive multiple information on the topics covered. There will also be some spectacular original drawings by Leonardo, lent by prestigious Italian and foreign institutions, made in those same years, a truly ‘magical’ season in the history of Florence.

 “The exposition of Leonardo’s Leicester Code, together with other precious drawings and writings of the Genio Da Vinci – says Director Eike Schmidt – demonstrates our commitment to make accessible very complex issues of scientific research, and to contextualize key episodes of the history of science in a completely contemporary perspective”.

The exhibition The Leicester Code by Leonardo da Vinci. The Water Microscope of Nature is an excellent opportunity to visit the Uffizi Gallery and enjoy Florence during the autumn or winter season, during a stay at the Bed and Breakfast Palazzo Ruspoli.

16 July 2018