Final six world league volley 2014 in florence
Final Six World League Volley 2014 in Florence at the Mandela Forum
Final Six World League Volley 2014 is an important event that will take place at the Mandela Forum in Florence, in Viale Malta from 16 to 20 July next. The event, which did not take place in Italy for ten years, it is the best opportunity to attend exciting matches among the top international athletes and to enjoy a relaxing holiday in Florence.
Moreover, the World League this year celebrates 25 years of life and it expands to 28 teams divided into 7 pools.
Pool A: Italy, Brasil, Poland, Iran
Pool B: Russia, USA, Bulgaria, Serbia
Pool C: Belgium, Canada, Australia, Finland
Pool D: Argentine, Germany, France, Japan
Pool E: Holland, South Corea, Portugal, Czech Republic
Pool F: Tunisia, Turkey, Cuba, Mexico
Pool G: Puerto Rico, China, Slovakia, Spain
The training of pool A, B, C, D, E will play with the traditional formula of the double challenge both in home and away, while those of the pool F and G will play two independent tournaments.
The Final Four is the final stage of pool C, D, E which qualifies the winning team to the Final Six to five formations which come from the pool A and B (the first two top teams in each group and Italy – organizing country) and the winner of the Final Four.
On 18th July, in the middle of the World League, it will also be celebrated the first "Mandela Day" after the death of the great "Madiba". It will be a special occasion, which will be felt even more in the establishment dedicated to him.
The first match will start at 17:00, followed by the second.
Prices for the qualifications (16/07, 17/07, 18/07 and 19/07):
Numbered grandstand € 27.00
Numbered Steps € 16.00
Prices for the Final 20/07:
Numbered grandstand € 32.00
Numbered Steps € 22.00